Watch Maniacs Ski Deep in the Sierra For a Snowy Cliff Jumping Session

Here is our monthly check-in with the Northern California cliff jumping crew, who have turned their beloved sport into a year-round affair. Obviously, their busy season occurs during the summer months, but they have found a way to reach their favorite cliff jumping location even when it’s covered in snow.

Nick Coulter and crew hopped on skis and headed towards the Emerald Pools, just off Interstate 80 in the Sierra Nevada. The area was covered in fresh snow, but that didn’t stop the maniacs for jumping into the frigid cold water. Of course, wet suits were needed to brave the water, except for one maniac that jumped in in his underwear! Now that’s crazy!

To learn more about the professional cliff jumpers of Northern California, check out Flow State – An Inside Look into the Lives of Northern California’s Professional Cliffjumpers.

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