UPDATE: Chain Controls Dropped Over I-80 Near Tahoe
All chain controls have been dropped over Donner Summit on I-80. There are currently no restrictions going over the pass near Tahoe:
OPEN: No Restrictions (10:05)
— Interstate 80 Tahoe (@i80chains) September 30, 2019
Original Story –
As the sun rose Monday morning, the forecasts of additional snow over Northern California mountains were realized and it may cause delays for drivers in the area.
Mandatory chain requirements are in effect on I-80 over Donner Summit, a rare sight in late-September. Chains are required on vehicles traveling eastbound from Kingvale to Donner Lake and westbound from Donner Lake to Rainbow.
🔗EAST: Kingvale(170) to Donner Lake(180)
— Interstate 80 Tahoe (@i80chains) September 30, 2019
🔗WEST: Donner Lake(180) to Rainbow(168)
The chain controls began around midnight, as the storm rolled over the Sierra Nevada and held late-night traffic for nearly an hour. As the sun rose, the snowfall in the area became a visual delight of winter views.
Meanwhile, on the southern side of Tahoe, not much snowfall was seen on Highway 50 and there are no restrictions at the time:
The night also saw snowfall at Lassen Volcanic National Park:
There was also some snow seen near the Mt. Shasta Ski Park:
Is the winter season coming early or is this just a freak storm in September? Only time will tell.