Celebrate National Park Week at Lassen Volcanic National Park
Celebrate the "Park Stars" that brighten Lassen Volcanic National Park during this year's National Park Week
Celebrate the “Park Stars” that brighten Lassen Volcanic National Park during this year’s National Park Week. Enjoy fee free entrance on April 21, browse through thousands of images in our new online gallery, and enjoy sharing spring activities.
National Park Week begins on April 21 with fee free entrance to all National Park Service (NPS) sites. The date also marks National Junior Ranger Day. Visitors age 12 and under can complete the park Junior Ranger Activity Booklet and earn a special patch.
The week ends on April 29 with National park Rx Day. This “prescription” program promotes the growing movement of prescribing parks and nature to patients to improve human health. Visitors are encouraged to walk, hike, or bike sections of the park highway that have been cleared of snow, but are not yet open to vehicles. The status of road and clearing progress can be viewed at go.nps.gov/lavo/snowclearing. With the exception of the Manzanita Lake Area, most trails in the park are still snow-covered.
You can explore Lassen through our new online gallery at npgallery,nps.gov/lavo. Browse through more than 8,500 images spanning early park history to present day. The collection includes photographs taken between 1920 and 1954 by the forest NPS Chief Photographer, George A. Grant. Also included are visitor submissions to the Lassen Annual Pass Photo Contest and breathtaking images of Lassen’s dark, night sky captured largely by park volunteers.
The theme for National Park Week in 2018 is Park Stars, celebrating everything from starry skies to superstar volunteers, park features, and resources. Discover what makes Lassen Volcanic shine this spring and mark your calendar for this summer’s Dark Sky Festival – August 3 and 4. Learn more at go.nps.gov/darksky.
All visitors should also be prepared for a range of weather conditions – check the most recent weather forecast, dress in layers, and carry food and water. Stow a shovel, extra blankets and tire chains in your vehicle in case unexpected winter road conditions delay your travel. The Kohm yah-mah-nee Visitor Center is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fro more information, please contact the park at 530-595-4480 or lavo_information@nps.gov.