Eureka is Currently Experiencing its Wettest May in a Decade

Eureka coastline. Photo by Fabien Delétraz 

Northern California’s overall weather probably wouldn’t be described by anyone as “wet” this month, but in Eureka, it’s the wettest May in a decade.

The National Weather Service recently released the rain totals for May 2020 in Eureka and they are staggering. In just the first three weeks of the month, the town has seen its most rainfall in a decade and could even beat that if more rain falls in the coming 10 days. Here are the rain totals (in inches) for the month of May in Eureka since 2006:

That’s 3.33 inches of rainfall so far in May 2020, just shy of the 3.51 inches seen in May of 2010. What’s interesting is to see how it stacks up against the other rainfall totals for the month during the past decade. Obviously, the 2010’s saw significant drought across NorCal, but it’s fascinating to see that this month has seen more rain already than the combined May rain totals of 2014 through 2018.

It’s been a tough water year in NorCal so far, especially in the Sierra which is currently boasting just 3 percent of its annual snowpack. But at least Eureka is having some rainfall – if only they could share it.

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