Brand-New Trail Coming to Mount Shasta’s Heart Lake
Some of the best views in Northern California are offered at Mount Shasta’s Heart Lake, a high-elevation lake located directly above Castle Lake at 6000 feet elevation. If you’ve ever hiked to Heart Lake, you know the trail isn’t well defined and can be confusing as you wander up the mountain.
That’s all about to change with a new project from the Mount Shasta Trail Association.
The MSTA received the go-ahead to reroute and improve the trail to Heart Lake, which will include signage and a small bridge over the drainage area near Castle Lake. In November and December, trail workers began the process and hope to continue once the snow melts in the spring. The MSTA is hoping to have the project finished sometime in spring on 2021.
Now you won’t get lost on your way to Heart Lake again! Watch our trip to Heart Lake: