Tahoe Officials Prohibiting All Open Burning and Recreational Campfires During the Red Flag Weather Warning
North Tahoe Fire Protection District (NTFPD) and Meeks Bay Fire Protection District (MBFPD) issue a Declaration to suspend all burn permits for outdoor residential burning, and recreational campfires. Recreational campfires meaning: bonfires, portable outdoor fireplaces, and recreational fires (CFC 202) (Campfires). The suspension, enforced by NTFPD Fire Chief, and MBFPD Fire Chief, takes effect 1:00p.m. Tuesday, September 11, 2018.
As Fire Chief of the North Tahoe Fire Protection District, in accordance with the California Fire Code with amendments adopted by the Boards of Directors of the North Tahoe, Meeks Bay and Alpine Springs CWD, the Fire Chief has issued a Declaration prohibiting all Open Burning within these Districts during the time period of the Red Flag Warning is in effect. (CF Code 307.1.2).
The National Weather Service (NOAA) has determined that fuel moistures and atmospheric conditions warrant a red Flag Warning (VERY HIGH FIRE DANGER) for the Lake Tahoe Basin Zone CA-272 on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 from 1:00pm though 5:00a.m. Thursday, September 13, 2018. All open burning of solid fuels is prohibited during this period, which includes all recreation fires. Propane (LPG) and Natural Gas fired appliances are allowed. Extreme caution should be used with charcoal barbeques. The actual hours of Red Flag Warnings may vary by the specific atmospheric conditions, check the NOAA web site or follow us on social media for the latest Red Flag timing.
The National Weather Service (NWS) issues Red Flag Warnings & Fire Weather Watches to alert land management agencies about the onset, or possible onset, of critical weather and fuel moisture conditions that could lead to rapid or dramatic increases in wildfire activity. This could be due to low relative humidity, strong winds, dry fuels, or any combination thereof. You may have noticed that the Watch/Warning/Advisory map on our homepage turns red or orange when a Red Flag Warning or Fire Weather Watch is issued. A Red Flag Warning is issued when the above conditions are expected to be met within the next 24 hours. A Fire Weather Watch is issued when the above conditions are expected to be met during the next 24 to 48 hours.
Here are some tips to help prepare homes and property:
• Clear all dead and or dying vegetation 100 feet from around all structures.
• Landscape with fire resistant/drought tolerant plants
• Find alternative ways to dispose of landscape debris like chipping or hauling it to a biomass energy facility
For additional information on how to create Defensible Space, as well as tips to prevent wildfires, visit www.ReadyForWildfire.org. Visit our website for information on Emergency and Evacuation Preparedness.