Watch as Police Officers Free Bear Cub Stuck in a Tahoe Car

Bear encounters continue to be on the rise in Tahoe, with the furry animals learning new tactics to get their paws on human food just before they head for winter hibernation. One of those learned tactics is breaking into cars, something they’re are starting to get really good at.

Earlier this fall, a bear used sheer force to break into a couple cars in a popular parking lot for Desolation Wilderness hikers. And with the growing number of bear incidents in the region, wildlife officials and activists are at odds on how to deal with the emerging bear issues.

Of course, Tahoe law enforcement has become busy with bear related incidents and a recent video shared by the Truckee Police show the lengths the officers are willing to go to make sure that bears and humans stay safe during their run-ins with each other.

Here is the video:

The bear cub was stuck in the car after the mama bear broke off the door handles trying to free her offspring. It was an incident that Tahoe police are trained for and have become experienced at resolving the situations.

Officials are reminding the public to always lock your car doors and to never leave any food in the vehicle. Even if you don’t think you have to worry about car break-ins from humans, you may still have to deal with four-legged burglars.

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