Cliff Jumpers Perform Acrobatics Off 1800’s Gold Mining Crane in Northern California

On the South Fork of the Yuba River in a remote area west of the Sierra Nevada mountains sits the Jolly Boys Crane. It’s a relic of Northern California’s booming Gold Rush in the 1800’s, and dubbed by the professional cliff jumpers of NorCal as the “Holy Grail of Cliff Jumping.”

RELATED: Nick Coulter on Life as a Freestyle Cliff Jumper | Talking NorCal

Some of NorCal’s cliff jumpers have a history with the crane, including Nick Coulter and his crew who recently went back to the Gold Rush relic to put on a show of epic proportions. They had to completely rebuild the crane and make it safe enough to jump off. Then, of course, they had to perform in the air.

The above video shows the shear determination and skill of NorCal’s cliff jumping community, and it adds some fun history to the show. Enjoy the epicness.

Of course, this isn’t the first time they’ve sent the crane. Watch the below video to see their attempts four years ago:

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