Jumping Chinook Salmon Seen in Chico’s Lower Bidwell Park

It’s that time of year when spring-run Chinook salmon are returning to the places they hatched to spawn in Northern California. A beautiful sight was captured at Chico’s Sycamore Pool in Lower Bidwell Park recently that show those salmon on the move.

Chico State University’s Ecological Reserves posted photos of Chinook salmon jumping up Big Chico Creek’s salmon ladder and into Sycamore Pool on Friday. Here are the photos:

Along with the photos, the Ecological Reserve reminded swimmers that now is the time of year salmon will use the Sycamore Pool, a popular swimming hole in Chico during the summer months, as their temporary home as they rest during their travels upstream.

“Salmon hang out in deep pools on their way upstream and need time to rest. Please be considerate before doing a cannonball into the creek,” they wrote on Instagram.

So cool to see salmon moving through the beautiful pool in Chico’s Bidwell Park. Travel safe, sweet salmon!

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