Mama Duck Follows Animal Control Officer Carrying Ducklings for a Quarter Mile to be Reunited in Newark Lake
An animal control officer was called to a home in Newark, California this week after reports of a mama duck and seven ducklings in a private swimming pool. The officer corralled the ducks into a plastic receptacle and walked a quarter of a mile to release them into Newark Lake, knowing the mama duck would follow.
Stopping for rest and shade along the way, the officer made the trek as easy as possible for the mama duck, who was probably scared sick for her babies. In the end, a video was taken of the mama and ducklings happily reuniting and swimming off into the proverbial sunset in Newark Lake.
It’s your feel good story of the week and a reason to celebrate our knowledgeable and dedicated wildlife officials who not only keep private residences free of outside wildlife, but safely relocate the animals when needed. Fantastic job by Animal Control Officer Fejarang!