These Backyard Trail Cam Composites Show the Vast Wildlife of Northern California
Randy Robbins is becoming a well-respected photographer in Northern California, recently winning the 2019 California Wildlife Photo of the Year. Not only is he gaining recognition for his photography, his composites show wildlife seen on the trail cam behind is home in Susanville is lighting the internet of fire, and it’s a beautiful representation of the vast wildlife in Northern California.
Robbins used many different captures on the trail cam and photoshopped them together, showing a variety of wildlife including a skunk, mountain lion, coyote, bobcat, raccoon, bear and skunk:
“I’ve had this trail cam in the same spot for a long time in my backyard near Susanville,” wrote Robbins on social media. “I used Photoshop to blend a bunch of my regular night time visitors into one photo. I thought this came out pretty cool. All shots taken by the same camera in the same location. Eastern Sierra night life.”
Since the photo was shared thousands of times, Robbins has began creating more composites, including this photo that’s similar but shows different animals:
Really great work from Robbins, who put a lot of time and energy into these composites to give us a better idea of the wildlife in NorCal. That’s for your efforts, Randy!