These Shasta-Trinity Lake Businesses Will Stay Open During Labor Day Weekend
A sweeping closure was announced for nine Northern California national forests through the first week of September due to increased wildfire threat in the region. With these closures, people remain wondering where they can and can’t go during the closure. For people looking to get on the lake in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest this week, we have some good news.
The National Forest Service has given exemptions to certain businesses during the closure, most of them sitting on Shasta Lake. The following businesses on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest are open and providing lake-based activities through Labor Day weekend:
Shasta Lake
- Antlers
- Jones Valley
- Holiday Harbor
- Bridge Bay
- Digger Bay
- Shasta Marina
- Lake Shasta Caverns
- Shasta Recreation Company (SRC) for the use of Centimudi and Jones Valley public boat ramps
Trinity Lake
- Trinity Alps Marina
- Trinity Lake Marinas, LLC (Cedar Stock Marina)
Lewiston Lake-
- Pine Cove Marina.
Please put safety first while enjoying activities on the lakes and recreate responsibly.Shoreline and land-based activities are prohibited due to a Regional Closure Order (21-04 ) in effect on nine National Forests in northern California through September 6, 2021. The Closure order provides for public and firefighter safety due to extreme fire conditions throughout Northern California, strained firefighting resources throughout the country and to protect natural resources.
Have fun, be safe and don’t start any new fires this Labor Day Weekend.