Trail Cam Footage Shows Lassen Pack Pups Howling in NorCal Wilderness

It was recently announced that the Lassen Pack, California’s only known wolfpack, welcomed a litter of three new pups. While visual evidence of the pups has been sparse, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has recently released a video of the wolfpack, with the mother and father followed by the three howling pups.

Back in July, California Department of Fish and Wildlife wolf specialist Kent Laudon, who is based in Redding, made the announcement of the new pups at a recent meeting of the Wolf Stakeholder Group. Now, we have video proof of the litter

“This remote video capture shows a female adult, a yearling, and three pups walking through coniferous woods in Lassen County. At 1:00, the pups can be heard yipping and then howling,” CDFW wrote on YoutTube.

This footage of the wolfpack is very rare, as the family of wolves that lives in Lassen County usually keeps out of sight, despite one of the parents being fitted with a tracking collar.

The Lassen Pack is the descendant of famed OR-7, a wolf that famously traveled from Oregon into Northern California in 2011, becoming the first known wolf in the state in nearly 100 years. The Lassen Pack’s father wolf, known as CA-08M, is the son of OR-7.

The only other known pack in California was the Shasta Pack, which mysteriously disappeared in Siskiyou County recently.

The revival of wolves in Northern California remains a controversial topic in rural communities. The fascinating animals diversify the local ecosystems while creating legitimate arguments between conservation and protecting personal property, particularly of cattle on remote ranches.

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