4.8 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Humboldt Coast
Northern California residents hunkered down in their homes in the midst of California’s “shelter-in-place” mandate felt a good shake Sunday morning as a decent-sized earthquake hit off the NorCal coast.
A 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Humboldt Coast at 9:27 am about 50 miles off the coast of Ferndale, adding to the numerous earthquakes that have been felt in the area in recent weeks. A 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit on March 18, which was preceded by a significant amount of earthquake activity the week before as 10 earthquakes hit the exact area, including one measuring in at 5.8 magnitude.
Felt #earthquake (#sismo) M4.7 strikes 69 km SW of #Eureka (#California) 4 min ago. Please report to: https://t.co/AdAV28KY1L pic.twitter.com/B7nlGwKrIg
— EMSC (@LastQuake) March 22, 2020
The North Coast has a history of tsunamis in the area due to its proximity of the active geological area of the nearby Mendocino Triple Junction, which is the confluence of the San Andreas Fault and Cascadia Subduction Zone. In 1964, Crescent City had a tsunami that killed 12 people and caused $15 million in damage.