Behind the Stunt: 100-Foot Ropeswing on Lake Tahoe

It’s been called the biggest ropeswing into water ever seen. Launching yourself off a tree platform only to fly over rocks and trees while holding onto a rope before launching yourself over a hundred feet into the air and eventually into Lake Tahoe – that might be the definition of insanity.

Last year, we posted an article highlighting the death-defying ropeswing built by Nick Coulter and his crew (Also see: An Inside Look into the Lives of Northern California’s Professional Cliffjumpers). Now, we are able to see the time and energy they put into building one of the craziest stunts we’ve ever seen.

Chase Reinford, also known by his more than half a million YouTube subscribers as Adrenaline Addiction, posted a video highlighting all the behind the scenes footage from the largest ropeswing ever. Check out the long and arduous process:

The stunt took a year of planning and days of setup as the crew set a cable across two rocks and hooked a ropeswing in the middle. They also installed a tree platform to be able to launch off. All of the preparation took experienced climbers and equipment.

The most telling part of the whole video is the sheer fear you see out of the three who tried the stunt. They seemed tense the entire video, making the setup process extremely detailed in order to avoid injury or even death. They even sent a backpack full of rocks off the tree stand to test the trajectory of the swing.

At the end of the day, pure elation sets in for all involved with the stunt, as they were able to pull off the incredible jumps while avoiding any serious injury. Proving the magnitude of the stunt, Reinford, Coulter and Brandon Beck were the only people to do the jump (although many others have done it since).

Here is the video from the finished product:

A little back story – In 2010, local legend named Mike Wilson built the biggest ropeswing into water known to man. This Tahoe ropeswing became the stuff of legend! Let’s take a look at what he did:

Some people get upset with us for promoting these dangerous stunts, but we believe in living life to the fullest. This video shows you that these men are professionals and use extreme caution and training to be able to pull off these stunts. Kudos to theses madmen. Keep doing your thing and we’ll keep watching!

Active NorCal

Telling the Stories of Northern California
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