Burning Restrictions Lifted in the Lake Tahoe Basin
With the arrival of a mild summer and generous fall precipitation, the Lake Tahoe region has seen a reprieve in fire danger. As a result, CAL FIRE has officially lifted burning restrictions, a welcome announcement for homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts.
Effective October 9, 2023, Tahoe residents can once again enjoy the warmth and ambiance of properly screened wood-burning firepits and chimneys, as well as charcoal barbecues throughout the upcoming cold weather months. These outdoor fire options are now accessible unless high winds or red flag weather conditions pose a safety risk.
It’s important to note that the outdoor burning of wood and charcoal is strictly prohibited at Short-Term Rentals to ensure safety.
For those with current and valid residential burn permits, the resumption of residential burning on permissible burn days is permitted. CAL FIRE collaborates with the Air Resource Board and the Counties’ Air Quality Management Districts to regulate “burn” and “no burn” days.
To engage in residential burning, residents must possess a valid burn permit and verify the permissibility of the day for burning through the appropriate air quality management district. Residents in the North Tahoe Fire Protection District should consult the Placer County Air Quality Management District, while those in the Meeks Bay Fire Protection District should contact the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District.
Residential burn guidelines include maintaining a maximum pile size of 4 feet in diameter, clearing a 10-foot area around the pile of all flammable materials, and having a responsible adult present with a shovel and a water supply until the fire is completely extinguished. Burning should only occur when weather conditions, especially wind, allow for safe burning practices.
Safe residential pile burning serves as a crucial tool in mitigating fire hazards posed by forest residue buildup. To apply for a permit and access more information about burning, visit the CAL FIRE website at https://burnpermit.fire.ca.gov/. Additionally, homeowners can find resources on creating defensible space around their homes by visiting Tahoe Living With Fire.