California Fish and Game to Hold Emergency Meeting to Decide Coronavirus Fishing Mandates

The California Fish and Game Commission will hold a remote emergency meeting to decide whether to delay, restrict, or suspend sport or recreational fishing in order to prevent and mitigate public health risks that may arise when people travel for fishing trips or congregate while participating in available fishing opportunities.

On Thursday, April 9th at 8:30 am, the California Fish and Game Commission will remotely meet to discuss delegating temporary authority to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to delay, suspend or restrict sport or recreational fishing if their director, in consultation with the president of the Commission, finds that such action is necessary to protect against the threat from COVID-19.

The meeting can be digitally attended by anyone through this link.

The decision to continue fishing in the state has come under scrutiny from small communities who worry that their location nearby popular fishing areas could assist the growth of the Coronavirus in the community. CDFW and the Commission have received requests from county representatives and local health authorities requesting delays to recreational fish openers such as the Eastern Sierra trout opener scheduled for April 25, 2020.

You can listen to the meeting through the above webinar link, but to voice your opinion you’ll need to call in to the meeting using the below teleconference phone number:

Call (877) 402-9753 or (636) 651-3141; access code 832 4310

If you have an opinion regarding California fishing during the Coronavirus pandemic, voice it on Thursday!

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