California State Parks Hiring Really Cool Summer Jobs in the North Coast Redwoods

Want to get paid to be outdoors in one of Northern California’s most beautiful areas? California State Parks is now hiring some really cool summer jobs in the North Coast Redwoods, with multiple positions enabling you to get paid in the great outdoors.

State Park officials have posted multiple jobs this month, including Park Aide Interpreters and Forestry Aid.

The Park Aide Interpreter helps safeguard the natural and cultural heritage of California State Parks by communicating the complex story of the redwood region and the many people and cultures who have interacted here, and helping to encourage an ethic of protection and appreciation. This is a seasonal job from May to September 2020.

The Forestry Aide position “will perform professional duties and assist management of road and trail projects designed to maintain and rehabilitate watershed stability and ecosystem function. The individual will complete geological and hydrological investigations to develop project plans and prescriptions for reducing slope instability, erosion, and sedimentation problems related to logging roads and other land use impact features.” ⁣

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Have you ever wanted a job where you can step out of a tent and into your job site? Do you have an interest in transforming old logging roads to hiking trails? A Forestry Aide position might be the job for you! This position “will perform professional duties and assist management of road and trail projects designed to maintain and rehabilitate watershed stability and ecosystem function. The individual will complete geological and hydrological investigations to develop project plans and prescriptions for reducing slope instability, erosion, and sedimentation problems related to logging roads and other land use impact features.” ⁣ ⁣ Swipe right for the official job announcement. ➡️➡️➡️⁣ ⁣ For more information call (707) 445-5344, or go to to begin your application!⁣ ⁣ #StateParksJobs #Job #Jobs #Employment #ForestryAide #RoadRemoval #RTR #RoadsAndTrails #ResourceManagement #NaturalResources #CAStateParks #Humboldt

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For more information on the jobs, call (707) 445-5344, or go to to begin your application!.

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