Fisherman Lands MASSIVE 43-Pound Chinook Salmon on the Sacramento River
The Chinook salmon season is red hot on the Sacramento River right now, with multiple fishing guides recording large returns. One of those guides is Kirk Portocarrero, whose client recently snagged a 43.5-pound hog on the river.
Here is the king salmon landed by Portocarrero and his crew on September 21:
Now that is what it’s all about. Portocarrero reported fantastic fishing on the river recently, including salmon and steelhead. Here’s an excerpt about his recent trip from
Well we finally got the giant that we were looking for the boys from Fresno managed to hook and landed over 16 salmon in two days with the largest king salmon weighing 43-1/2 pounds.The steelhead fishing was also fantastic with action all afternoon long .Are combo trips really break the day up with heavy tackle fish in the early morning moving to super light tackle in afternoon. Fishing is really excellent throughout the river so book a trip for a action packed day!
Portocarrero is no stranger to landing big fish in Northern California. We’ve seen him land some huge salmon and striped bass throughout NorCal, which he highlights on his social media pages. Keep up the great NorCal fishing adventures! If you’d like to hire Portocarrero for a guiding trip, go to