Flying Around Mount Shasta in 60 Seconds

This is some of the most up-close and detailed aerial footage of the mountain we've ever seen

Have we shown you too many views of Mt. Shasta? Maybe. Has our obsession with the mountain reached new heights? Probably. Are we going to stop showing you awesome views of Mt. Shasta. Of course not!

We came across this video Ney Grant approaching a snow-covered Mt. Shasta sticking out of the clouds and doing a full circle around the volcano. What’s so impressive about the video,= is how close he gets and the amazing detail we can see of the entire mountain in just 60 seconds. Here is what Ney wrote about the video:

“Mt. Shasta was sticking up above the clouds and I could see it 100 miles ahead. So I flew towards it, did a circle around it, and then continued home.”

Without further ado, here is the video of Around Mt. Shasta in 60 seconds:

Around Mt. Shasta in 60 Seconds from Ney Grant on Vimeo.

Isn’t that amazing? That was some of the most up close and detailed video footage we’ve ever seen of the mountain. Big thanks to Ney for sharing the video with us!

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