Increased Water Flows to Bring Intense Rapids on the North Fork Feather River

Photo: Plumas County

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is issuing a vital safety advisory to thrill-seeking outdoor enthusiasts who plan to embark on exciting whitewater escapades along the North Fork Feather River during the weekends of September 16-17 and 23-24. The river’s Rock Creek Reach will present formidable Class III, IV, and V rapids during these high-water flows, catering exclusively to seasoned kayakers and rafters, not tubing enthusiasts.

This challenging 8.3-mile stretch of the North Fork Feather River, nestled within the serene Plumas National Forest, will witness a surge in water levels, commencing at 9 a.m. on Saturday, September 16. The flow will crest at 1,100 cubic feet-per-second (cfs) before gradually receding to 900 cfs by 2 p.m. on Sunday, September 17. Subsequently, the river’s flow will return to approximately 400 cfs.

As the following weekend approaches, water flow will again peak at 900 cfs, spanning from Saturday, September 23, until 2 p.m. on Sunday, September 24, before gradually descending to 400 cfs. Adventurers should be mindful of potential access restrictions owing to ongoing construction activities on Highway 70. To navigate these thrilling rapids, boaters can launch from Rock Creek Bench and disembark near Rock Crest Camp. Please note that the Rock Creek Inlet will be temporarily closed for parking and take-out due to roadwork. Alternatively, adventurers can head downstream to Cresta Reach for an equally exciting expedition.

This initiative, carried out in collaboration with American Whitewater and the Rock Creek–Cresta Ecological Resource Committee, comes as a replacement for the canceled events in June, resulting from Highway 70 closures.

For invaluable water safety tips and guidance, please visit PG&E’s dedicated Hydro Safety webpage.

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