Longest Slackline in California’s History Gloriously Photobombs Yosemite Wedding

Photo by Erica Houk

A historic moment was caught on camera in Yosemite National Park recently, and luckily for us a wedding photographer was there to catch the action.

Erica Houk specializes in photographing wedding elopements in Yosemite and in the background of a recent shoot, she captured a guy floating above the valley floor on a slackline that reached 2,788 feet long. It was the longest slackline in California’s history.

“Never have i seen something like this of the 100+ times i’ve been here,” wrote Houkl on Instagram. “Which was by far one of the coolest/most terrifying things i’ve ever witnessed!!”

The wedding was for a couple named Michael and Emily, who were okay with the slackliners in the background of their wedding. Talk about a unique experience! Here are the photos taken from the wedding/historic slackline:

Want to get married in Yosemite National Park? Check out the photographs from Erica Houk.

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