NorCal Elementary School Now Offers Fishing Class as Elective
Students of Castle Rock Elementary School are offered 14 different elective classes to choose from for kindergarteners through eighth grade. And now they have a brand new class that sounds like a whole lot of fun.
A fishing class is now offered at the Castella school and taught by Bob Edmunds, who has been fishing in the area for 50 years. The students were taken out for the first time two weeks ago, for an off-campus fishing lesson at Sweetbriar on the Upper Sacramento River.
Recently, Solano’s Do It Best hardware store in Mount Shasta donated fishing equipment to the school, a charitable act that can allow the new class to flourish for years to come. The equipment included four 5-foot, 6-inch fishing rod and spincast reels, and four 5-foot fishing rod and spinning reel combos.
The class is part of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support grant which superintendent Autumn Funk wrote two years ago. The program allows schools to offer elective classes for “subjects the teachers are excited to teach and share,â€Â and which provide opportunities for either “enrichment, life skills, social-emotional learning or new, novel ways of accessing different learning modalities.” Each elective class has a maximum class size of nine students
The class showed immediate proof of “social-emotional learning,” as the older students readily assisted the younger students in the field. Needless to say, providing these outside activities for students can provide many positive learning experiences and we hope to see more programs like these in the coming years.