Onlookers Marvel at Storm Trooper on Shasta Lake

Yes, you read that headline right. We have a storm trooper sighting on Shasta Lake that would make any Star Wars nut in Northern California go, well, nuts.

The guys over at Jetovator dressed up as a storm trooper and rode a watercraft-turned-Star-Wars-speeder-bike to give onlookers a show as they’ll never forget:

That is a NorCal Jetovator, a water propelled, personal watercraft accessory that allows the operator to safely experience flight. They are located in Redding and have a boutique at Bridge Bay Resort on Shasta Lake.

Now, this isn’t the first time a Jetovator has been used to recreate Star Wars scenes. Here is a video that was filmed on the Sacramento River recreating the famous Star Wars speeder bike scene on Jetovators:

The most incredible part of both these videos is how they turned this:

Into this:

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