Over 80 Miles of Fire Hose was Used to Extinguish the Walker Fire

The Walker Fire in the Plumas National Forest became the largest wildfire in California during this year’s fire season, as it burned 54,612 acres of land. Now that the fire sits at 98 percent containment, fire officials are packing up their supplies in order to be prepared for the next big blaze.

The U.S. Forest Service took to social media to show the enormous amount of supplies needed to combat these potentially devastating wildfires in Northern California, including 80 miles of fire hose used during the Walker Fire:

The statistics behind the massive amounts of supplies needed to fight these wildfires is staggering. If you unraveled the fire hose flat, it could almost go from Sacramento to Chico. Then, after each fire, the many miles of hose used to extinguish the flames is carefully rolled back together for transport.

Not only are wildfires extremely dangerous to combat, but they also take a lot of money, manpower and organization to do it effectively. Kudos to CalFire and all the fire agencies for their hard work in keeping Northern California residents and their homes as safe as possible during fire season.

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