Photos Show Lassen Looking Like a Winter Wonderland with a Fresh Coat of Snow

With the first series of storms rolling through Northern California the past week, high-elevation regions are beginning to see some of the good ole’ white gold – snow. For some, it’s a sad signal that the end of the summer and fall seasons is upon us. For others, it’s a glorious movement into another epic winter in NorCal.

In Lassen Volcanic National Park, the changing of the seasons signals what could be the end of the summer operations and closure of the highway through the park, making it much more difficult to see some of our favorite destinations in the park. But in the meantime, during what we call the “shoulder season” in Lassen, early season snowfall has the area looking like a winter wonderland.

Photographer Jake Edwards visited the park on Tuesday to find the park with a beautiful coat of snow. The drive into the park was sublime:

After entering the park, Edwards found the highway was closed at Sulpur Works, so he hiked around to get these images of the freshly-covered mountains in the snow:

As always, fantastic images from Jake! Who’s excited for winter in NorCal?!

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