See the Best Photos of this Week’s Worm Supermoon in Northern California
The clouds cleared over Northern California Monday and Tuesday nights, giving residents a gorgeous view of the Worm Supermoon, the second supermoon of 2020. As with any celestial event, the NorCal photographers pointed their cameras at the sky and were able to beautifully capture the moment.
A “Supermoon†occurs when when the moon is within 90% of pedigree, or the closest to earth in its orbit. March’s rendition is named the “Full Worm Supermoon,†due to the Native American tradition of naming each full moon of the year. In March, the soil softens and earthworms appear for the first time of the year, drawing more birds to the ground.
More photos of the event will continue to trickle in throughout the week, but here are our favorite photos so far from this week’s Worm Supermoon: