Video Previews the Sunken Ships of Tahoe’s First Underwater Trail

The California State Parks streamed a live video on Facebook previewing the sunken ships of the brand-new Emerald Bay Maritime Heritage Trail in Lake Tahoe. And although streaming from the bottom of Lake Tahoe proved to be a difficult task, viewers were still given a great preview of what they can see on Lake Tahoe’s first underwater trail.

While the video was scheduled to go live on Facebook at 2 pm on Friday, officials discovered the difficulties of streaming at the bottom of the lake. But they were still give a quick preview of what sits at the bottom of Lake Tahoe.

See the video:

During the public’s first view of Lake Tahoe’s new underwater trail, the video showed a 100-foot barge at the bottom of Emerald Bay in pristine condition. The video was supposed to show multiple dive sites, but was unable due to the connectivity issues.

The most telling part of the video is the preserved state of the objects sitting at the bottom of the lake. Lake Tahoe is known for it’s nearly freezing cold water, leaving the sunken boats from the 1920’s and 1930’s in pristine condition. With rumors of mafia activity in the area during that time, many have pondered whether the preserved bodies of dead gangsters are also somewhere on the bottom of the lake.

The collection of boats in at the dive site is the largest, most diverse group of sunken small watercraft of their kind, in their original location, known to exist in the nation.

With the Emerald Bay Maritime Heritage Trail, “scuba hikers” will be able to see the sunken treasures of the lake. California State Parks is providing GPS locations and waterproof interpretive cards for the trail, and on the lake bottom, each of the sites is placarded.

“Underwater interpretive panels have been placed at four dive sites in Emerald Bay. Waterproof information cards created for divers, with specific GPS locations, will be available at the park’s visitor centers, local dive shops and online,” said California State Parks.

The trail is set to open October 1. Among the dive shops able to assist are:

Tahoe Dive Center, 775-884-3483,;

Adventure Scuba Center, 775-826-5333,;

Sierra Diving Center, 775-825-2147,

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