Teen Captures Heart-Stopping Encounter with Mammoth Lakes Bear in Viral Video

A California teenager found herself face-to-face with the bear in Mammoth Lakes, which unexpectedly approached her and placed its paw on her leg. She posted the incident on social media, which gained millions of views since it was posted in July.

The incident happened when 17-year-old Kimberly Mendoza and a friend were hiking near Lake George. After spotting the bear, the pair tried to back away slowly, but their path was blocked by fallen branches. Not wanting to turn their backs on the bear, they cautiously stood their ground.

In the now-viral video, the bear can be seen approaching them and even pawing at Mendoza’s friend. After the quick swipe, the bear turned around and wandered off.

Here’s the video:

@fatima.beas #fyp??viral #bear #lakegeorgemammoth #mammothlakes • • • • • • • • #whatwouldyoudo #bearattack #grusome #viciousbear #friendlybear ? Can I pet that dog – KaylaaWade

Despite their intimidating size, black bears typically don’t pose a threat to humans unless they feel their young are in danger. In this case, the bear seemed more interested in exploration than aggression. It’s a reminder that while bear encounters can be startling, they often aren’t as dangerous as they might initially seem.

Experts advise that if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, it’s best to make yourself appear larger by raising your arms and standing tall, rather than running, as bears can easily outrun a human. This viral moment serves as a powerful reminder of the unpredictable beauty and occasional danger of nature, especially in areas like Mammoth Lakes where wildlife encounters are not uncommon.

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