This Powerful 9-Minute Film Shows the Plight of Camp Fire Victims

The Guardian produced a 9-minuted film showing the devastated residents of Paradise and Magalia following the Camp Fire – California’s deadliest and most destructive fire ever. The powerful film follows the Butte County residents as they deal with post-fire turmoil in what used to be a bustling Northern California community.

In the film, you meet the former Paradise residents who are living in evacuation centers, still unsure if their homes survived the flames. You meet a man who stayed to fight the flames in order to make sure his elderly mother survived. You meet the people still living in the area tending to their animals, unable to abandon the place they call home.

“Our community’s going lose a lot of really important people. I’m literally breathing them in right now,” said Oroville resident Megan Brown.

Officials continue to search for the hundreds of missing people following the 153,000 Camp Fire, many of whom they may never find.

Active NorCal

Telling the Stories of Northern California
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