This Video Shows Why You Should Leave Cliff Jumping at McCloud Falls to the Professionals

We share a lot of videos from the top cliff jumpers around Northern California performing death-defying jumps from the cliffs above Middle McCloud Falls. We try to include a warning in each video that these types of stunts shouldn’t be performed by just anyone – and the above video shows why.

A slip and fall leaves a jumper with a gruesome landing 70-feet below the cliff. According to the video, the jumper injured himself pretty badly. What’s even worse is that there was no one waiting for him in the water below, which could have ended in a potential drowning. Luckily, he survived.

We’ve covered the cliff jumpers of NorCal a ton on this website, with Nick Coulter and Brandon Beck even joining us on the Talking NorCal podcast to discuss their lives as cliff jumpers. Not only do they practice a ton and keep their bodies in peak physical condition, they also keep safety at top of mind during these jumps.

See what it’s like when professional cliff jumpers take on McCloud Falls:

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