This Week’s Weird Headline: NorCal Firetruck Stolen, Suspects Captured After 85-Mile Chase

While firefighters from the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District were battling a 12-acre grass fire near Rio Linda, a man jumped into their $1 million firetruck and sped off. After picking up a female passenger, the two led authorities on an 85-mile car chase through Sacramento, Placer, Yuba and Butte counties, only to be captured on Highway 70 near Oroville.

David Virgil Carcalete, 29, and Candice Lee Scollard, 35, were arrested at the scene. The firetruck needed to be towed back to the station to repair damage done to the front axle.

During the chase that, at times, reached 70 mph, officers had to give the truck space in order to avoid dangerous situations for other cars on the road. At times during the pursuit, the driver drove against traffic and even took some offramps along the way.

Officers attempted to stop the vehicle using spike strips three times during the chase. The truck eventually stopped after losing a tire.

Okay, here’s the part where we exercise some opinion: What kind of idiot steals a firetruck? It’s certainly not the most inconspicuous vehicle. Also, what kind of jackass does it while firefighters are fighting a fire? That little escapade will have many negative financial implications and it definitely put a lot of people in danger. But the final point: If your friend pulls up to you in a stolen firetruck, don’t get in. Period

Darwin Award Winners. Throw the book at ’em.

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