WATCH: Climbers Measure the Massive Brotherhood Tree in the NorCal Redwoods

In a world where unity and resilience are much needed, the Brotherhood Tree stands as a living testament to these virtues.

This colossal Coast Redwood is one of the largest living organisms on Earth and has stood strong for over 2,000 years. Named in the spirit of fostering human brotherhood, the tree measures an astounding 19 feet in diameter, 60 feet in circumference, and rises to a towering 297 feet.

Visitors to the tree’s location can’t help but be awestruck by its sheer size and the realization that it has been growing throughout much of recorded human history. The massive redwood bears evidence of a fire from the last 500 years, with its bark charred but unburnt. This natural protective mechanism forms an ablative shield, allowing the tree to thrive despite the flames.

Interestingly, the surrounding area was logged in the 1950s, but the Brotherhood Tree was left untouched for reasons that remain a mystery. Today, it continues to stand in solemn majesty within the Forest Experience section of the trail. Visitors can access the base of the tree and enjoy views of the top from a vista approximately 300 feet away, marveling at this symbol of unity and resilience that has withstood the test of time.

Watch the above below to see climbers measure the massive tree and see how it stands tall above the surrounding forest.

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