A Total Lunar Eclipse Called the ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ is Happening this Week
The first significant celestial event is slated to occur this week and it should be visible from Northern California.
On Sunday, January 20 all of North America will experience a total lunar eclipse, when the Earth moves between the sun and the moon and casts a shadow on the moon. Not only is this the only total lunar eclipse of 2019, according to the Farmer’s Almanac, it’s the last one until May of 2021.
So why is it called a “Super Blood Wolf Moon?” Let’s break it down:
A “supermoon” refers to the phenomenon when the moon appears larger because the full or new moon happens at the same time the moon passes closest to Earth in its orbit. So yes, this moon will look very large during the eclipse.
A “blood moon” is the term to reference when the Earth casts a shadow on the moon, causing it to reflect a reddish color. It’s similar to the phenomenon of a sunrise or sunset, where the shadows darken the color of the sun. So yes, this moon will have a colorful, reddish hue.
A “wolf moon” is simply the term that Native Americans gave the January full moon. So no, there will be no wolves on the moon.
There you have it – a “Super Blood Wolf Moon.” The celestial event will start at 7:33 pm Pacific time on January 20, with the moon reaching full totality at 9:12 pm. The total lunar eclipse will last an hour, while the entire event will take about 3.5 hours.
The best way to see this incredible celestial event is to venture far away from man made lights. If the weather is suitable, venture deep into the wilderness for a night sky like nothing you’ve ever seen before.