First Snow of the Season on Mt. Shasta Brings Hope that Wildfire Season is Nearing its End
A weekend storm brought rain and snow to Northern California, with the North Coast experiencing its typical rainy day and Mount Shasta receiving its first snow of the season. With a historic fire season raging on throughout the state, the storm brings hope that the wildfires will soon be drowned out by precipitation.
It was alarming when photos taken of Mt. Shasta recently showed the mountain completely bare of snow, a view that may have never been seen by modern-day humans. With recent precipitation falling on its 14,179-foot summit, the mountain once again looked spectacular with its typical snowy slopes:
Meanwhile, the rain returned to the Humboldt redwoods over the weekend, bringing it’s usual moody vibes from the most rain-heavy region of NorCal:
The precipitation was a welcomed sight throughout the region, with the drought sinking water levels to historic levels and dry fuels helping massive wildfires across the state. While any precipitation is helpful, it’s not yet enough to qualm the wildfires and fill the reservoirs.
Historically, the biggest and most destructive fires in California happen after September 1. In fact, nine of the top ten most destructive fires in California’s history have occurred from September to December. This is due to the long drying period over the summer months creating more dangerous fuel sources in forested areas. The only exception to the list was 2018’s devastating Carr Fire, which started in July (North Complex started in August, but saw its most destruction in September).
The larger fires (in acreage) in California’s history typically occur between July and August, but it’s the fires in the fall months that see the most structure damage. So while the first storm of the season is fantastic news for NorCal, we’re certainly not out of the woods yet. Stay safe.