Northern California Forecasted to Receive its First Rain of the Season this Weekend
Just like any summer in Northern California, we’ve seen the past few months give us a lot of hot days and dangerous wildfire conditions. But as we move into the Fall season and out of the sweltering heat, we finally have something new to look forward to – RAIN!
That’s right, certain areas of Northern California are forecasted to receive rain as early as Saturday and Sunday, with some locations seeing the wet weather next Monday and Tuesday. The news comes as we’ve seen improved containment on NorCal wildfires and a decrease in temperatures across the North State.
While some areas will see rain at different times than others, some parts are expected to receive up to an inch of rain in the next 7 days, with Redding, Sacramento, Placerville and Blue Canyon seeing the most.
As California has seen some extreme weather (drought, flooding) in past five years, researchers have been closely observing any related patterns in the Pacific Ocean. Many scientists have concluded that this will be an El Nino winter, which may cause even more drastic extreme weather behavior. Meanwhile, the Farmer’s Almanac predicted a cold, wet winter for Northern California.
A spray of water from the clouds can be very good this time of year, but some people remained worried that a lot of winter precipitation will cause flooding and erosion following this year’s historic fire season. Extreme precipitous events could create natural disasters in the area.
But alas, this first storm of the Water Year could be just what we need right now. So, instead of worrying, we will simply rejoice. Here are the different rain forecasts for each area in NorCal: