Randy Robbins’ Image of the Lassen Pack Wins the California Wildlife Photo of the Year, Obviously

When award-winning photographer Randy Robbins shared his stunning image of the Lassen Pack from the remote Northern California wilderness, we called it the greatest wildlife photo ever taken in California. That statement was challenged by some, but it was our way of expressing the importance of observing the state’s first wolf pack in a century up close.

Now, in the most obvious news ever, Robbins has won the California Wildlife Photo of the Year for the capture. This is the second time that he’s won the award.

Living in Lassen County, Robbins has had a desire to photograph the wolves for years. He spent two years in the wilderness before he even saw a paw print. After making connections with the CDFW and wolf specialists in the state, he was able to get a general whereabouts of their location (it’s kept secret due to the controversial nature of wolf repopulation in the state) and began actively setting up complicated wildlife cameras. Finally, he captured the best glimpse of the Lassen Pack ever seen.

Robbins’ new crowning achievement is his photo of one of the most rare animals in the state. It’s difficult to say what the status of wolves will be in California in the next couple of decades, but it’s safe to say we’ll look at his photo as important historical documentation of wolf reintroduction in the state.

It’s not often when moments emerge that you know will be remembered through history. This is one of those moments. Great work, Randy!

Watch his video on the epic photo, including some trail cam video of the Lassen Pack:

Listen to Robbins discuss his journey in capturing the photo on the Talking NorCal podcast:


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